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Improving behavior with EBVs: Body sensitivity, Noise Fear, Inhibited by Stress, Activated by Stress, Excitable – presentation by Jane Russenberger

Covering what data is required and the best age to measure, heritability of each trait, response to selection, and challenges.

Jane Russenberger-  BS   Quinnipiac University Hamden CT,  Laboratory Animal Technology

As a member of the International Working Dog Registry (IWDR) development and support team, Jane Russenberger continues her passion for helping working dog organizations produce healthier, more behaviorally appropriate dogs year after year. Jane also volunteers with project management for Guiding Eyes for the Blind, where she work ed for 33 years as Director of Canine Development, Breeding. and Genetics. In those roles, Jane oversaw production of about 450 Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd puppies each year, with many of them destined for careers as guide dogs. Retiring from Guiding Eyes has enabled Jane to share what she learned over 37 years.

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